Get to know Mitchell Warne
My name is Mitchell Warne (pronounced "war-n" - not "war - nee"). I am an experienced wildlife biologist, avid birdwatcher, nature photographer and newlywed husband. I started Warne in the Wild with the support of my wife, Jacey Warne, to share some of my favourite things about nature with you, support conservation through non-profit programs and promote an outdoor lifestyle.
I grew up in the country near a small town in northern Alberta called Peace River, where I developed an interest in wildlife as a young boy. Growing up in Peace River gave me a unique opportunity to experience the various aspects of both country and urban living, which included hunting & fishing, farming & ranching and going over to play at my friend's houses in town.
Although the majority of my nest box work has been done in the last 10 years, the first bird box I remember is one that my grandpa built for me as a kid when I was quite young. My grandpa and I hung that bird box in the trees behind my parent's house and it was occupied every year, as far as I recall, by house wrens. I kept hoping a winter wren would use the box not knowing as a kid that winter wrens don't use nest boxes.
My interest in wildlife followed me to university where I majored in Wildlife Science. Since graduating I have started a number of wildlife projects of my own and have participated in a number of Citizen Science projects. I have achieved the Professional Biologist designation in both the provinces of Alberta and British Columbia.
I look forward to sharing some of nature’s beauty with you and providing tools & tips so that you can go out and enjoy nature for yourself and experience the sense of well-being that comes from being in nature. I also have some tips & tricks to share that attract beneficial birds and other wildlife to your home including using various bird, bat and other wildlife boxes and platforms. Lastly, I am undertaking a citizen science study on kestrels in an effort to advance research on this species in Canada. For more information, please visit the Kestrel Nest Box Program.
Nature calls, hope to see you there.
Mitchell Warne

(Photo taken at Soda Lake, BC)