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Yukon American Kestrel Nest Box Program

The Yukon American Kestrel Nest Box Program has 36 nest boxes installed to date in the southern portion of the territory with the following goals:

1) provide safe and secure nesting sites for kestrels particularly in areas with a mix of ranching and farming. Ideally this would help their populations stabilize or even begin to recover, at least in localized areas.

2) provide long term trends of kestrel nest box use at the regional and local levels.

3) engage landowners and the public using citizen scientists to monitor and maintain the kestrel nest boxes.

4) provide opportunities for other kestrel biologists to conduct research.


Landowners specific information can be found on the "Landowner" webpage:

Monitoring specific information (which many landowners would also be involved in) can be found on the "Citizen Scientists" webpage:

Detailed information on kestrels and their nest box placement can be found on the "American Kestrels" webpage:

American Kestrel Photo Gallery

The kestrel nest boxes that form this program have all been installed on private land ranging from farms and ranches to acreages from the Watson Lake area across to the Haines Junction area. 

Detailed information on kestrel nest box installation related guidelines is found in the "American Kestrels" sub-tab under the "Wildlife Boxes" tab along the top menu bar. Information for landowners can be found under the "landowners" sub-tab of the kestrel program. Information for monitors (Citizen Scientists) of the nest boxes (which may include landowners) is found under the "Citizen Scientists" sub-tab of the kestrel program.


Coming Soon


One organization that has provided funds for the program is:


Organizations that have contributed gifts in kind, discounts, materials or other aspects of the program.

Peace River, AB Location

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